The Personal Injuries division of Holding Redlich has now adopted the name Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers . We are now practising under this business name as a division of Holding Redlich. You may have noticed that we have had both names operating for the last couple of years, but from now on our personal injuries group will be only under the name Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers. We have done this to assist us in continuing to grow our personal injuries group and to distinguish the group from Holding Redlich's national commercial legal practise.
We are still the same team of lawyers and our service to you won't change. We have also opened a new Springvale Office. We are located at 369C Springvale Road, Springvale and can be contacted on 9321 9886. If this location is more convenient for you, we will be happy for a lawyer to see you there.