Mr Tang's widow released a statement shortly after the Coroner's findings were delivered:
My family and I are very grateful to the Coroner for revealing the terrible events that occurred at Dandenong Police Station.
I particularly want to thank the interpreter, Ms Yu Lipski, who had the courage to speak out about what my husband suffered. I doubt that these horrible events would have surfaced without her courage.
My daughter, my sisters and I have suffered 4 and a half years of grief, not only because of my husband's death but because of the inhumane way he was treated. It was devastating to have the world see my husband crawl out of a cell without a hand to help. To be treated like a dog. This was the most horrible experience a family could go through.
I thank the Deputy Chief Commissioner, Tim Cartwright, for his sincere apology for the conduct of the Police. Despite this, the Coroner found the police officers involved took little or no responsibility for their decisions.
He found that some of the police thought my husband's condition was a bit of a joke. Being treated like a dog is no joke.
The Coroner found that more competent, diligent and compassionate police officers would have preserved my husband's welfare and dignity.
My daughter and I miss him terribly, and I shall never forgive those police officers for the way my husband was treated.
If you require further comment on this matter, we invite you to contact Michael Lombard or Genna Angelowitsch on (03) 9321 9704.