The announcement by Victorian Ombudsman Ms Deborah Glass to investigate the management of Workcover claims is a very worthwhile initiative. For years, lawyers in our firms have face Insurer representatives who just say No . Despite proper and reasoned argument, they still say No.
This often means that the injured has to go through a prolonged process of legal proceedings before finally receiving their proper entitlements. This can mean no income for months and in some cases, years.
And, of course many ordinary people are scared by the prospect of going to court and the financial risks involved. The Insurers use this fear to their advantage. The big pockets allow them to become big Bullies.
Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers welcome this investigation which we believe will help injured workers recover earlier with the help they deserve. If you or someone you know requires assistance with WorkCover, please call (03) 9321 9988 to speak with one of our expert injury lawyers.