Insurers are increasingly rushing to Facebook in an attempt to discredit injured people seeking compensation. Realistically, nobody wants their life to seem anything but awesome on Facebook. Even if they have only been out socially for one night in the last year, that one photo will go on Facebook; and of course everyone will be smiling and raging.
Nobody wants to look like a loser on Facebook. A photo of you sitting at home watching TV or lying in bed in pain is not what is generally put onto Facebook.
But the TAC and WorkCover will be sure to monitor a claimant's social media for any outrageous photos or comments and subsequently use these to intimidate and in some cases bully people into resolving their cases.
Generally speaking, the insurers will pick a comment from a doctor's report or a previous statement about the change in the injured person's life. They will then suggest to the court that based on what they have found on social media that Things can't be all that bad!
This situation is never as the insurers suggest but it can make the injured person feel as though they have done something wrong or that they are a fraud.
The truth about an injured person's life is not reflected on Facebook - a tragically injured person's life is not awesome .
If you or someone you know has been injured at work or in a transport accident, it is important that you have access to prompt and professional advice from leaders in the industry of personal injury. We invite you to contact one of our expert lawyers on (03) 9321 9988 to discuss your potential entitlements.