In light of the ongoing restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals who have an accepted TAC claim will now be able to claim the costs associated with telehealth treatment for longer.
When the Victorian government initially announced that movement should be reduced to limit the spread of the virus, many providers and clients elected to engage in treatment consultations via video or phone conference. The costs of these consultations were not recoverable from the TAC, however, given the government directives, the TAC previously announced that they would fund these costs until 30 September 2020.
The ongoing restrictions imposed on Victorians, and particularly those in metropolitan Melbourne have resulted in the TAC announcing funding for these kinds of treatment will continue until further notice. TAC clients with an accepted claim can continue submitting invoices and receipts for reimbursement via the myTAC app.
In order for these expenses to be reimbursed, they must still satisfy the ordinary test for claiming medical expenses from the TAC, being:
- that the treatment is required because of injuries or trauma sustained in the transport accident
- that the treatment is reasonable in the circumstances.
Costs such as GP consultations or standard medications are often automatically accepted as meeting these provisions, and it is not common that the TAC require advanced notice to attend to payment of these expenses. However, allied health treatment (such as physiotherapy or psychology) or significant expenses (such as the cost of surgery or rehabilitation stays) will require a written request to be made to the TAC to approve these expenses in advance. Failure to request funding in advance can result in an injured person being left out of pocket if the TAC declines to reimburse the expenses.
When you’ve suffered an injury, it is important that you get access to all the medical care you need as soon as possible. If you or someone you know has suffered an injury, get accurate advice about your potential entitlements by speaking to one of our injury experts on (03) 9321 9988.