Recent reports suggest that the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) are increasing efforts to pursue individuals accused of defrauding the compensation system in a bid to recuperate financial losses the TAC has recently sustained.
Genna Angelowitsch, former head of the TAC division at Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers, said the focus on fraudulent claims was understandable, but also disappointing .
The vast majority of people who access assistance through the TAC system do so because they require legitimate treatment for injuries they have sustained in a motor vehicle accident.
It is essential that this treatment is accessed with minimal delay to maximise their recovery, and hopefully help the injured and their families regain some sense of normalcy. Unfortunately, there are a very small number of individuals who make nefarious claims, and these people are not only defrauding the system, but they are complicating the process for those with genuine injuries and a legitimate need for treatment.
In October 2019, a report was tabled in the Victorian state parliament which suggested that the TAC had sustained a loss of $3.8 billion in the 2018/2019 financial year, a large portion of which was attributed to record low bond rates .
Genna acknowledged that ensuring the system continued to operate for everyone was very important, but it was also important that the TAC's priority remained with injured patients who need access to rehabilitative services.
It is really important that the compensation system remains viable, as it delivers medical treatment and services that are essential to individuals recovering from road trauma. But it is equally important that the focus remains on providing quality care and rehabilitation to injured people, and not casting aspersions on people with legitimate injuries during a very distressing time in their lives.