Can you imagine what it would be like to lose your voice, permanently? How would you communicate with friends and family? Could you continue to work in your profession?
Unfortunately, voice injuries affect some workers who use their voice for their profession, including teachers, telemarketers, entertainers and managers. Injuries to the voice caused by overuse can be debilitating, both personally and professionally. In severe cases, people suffering voice injuries may find it difficult to speak above a whisper.
Open plan work areas, poor acoustics, speaking over background noise and simply talking too long or too loudly are risk factors in developing injuries to your voice. While injuries to your voice can be preventable, many workers and employers remain unaware of the risks of work-related voice injury and how these risks might be reduced.
If you have work-related voice injury, you are entitled to make a WorkCover claim for your medical expenses. If your injury is stopping you from working, Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers may be able to assist you in claiming weekly payments of compensation. In serious cases, we can advise whether your loss of voice entitles you to lump sum compensation or even a claim for damages in negligence.