At least one out of every two Australians will require treatment for a type of skin cancer in their lifetime.

Melanoma disease is the fourth most common type of cancer and is often caused by UV sun exposure.  It is a malignant tumour of the melanocytes which are cells that produce the dark pigment, melanin, in our skin.  Disease can take many years to develop after sun exposure, sometimes up to 40 years.

To be eligible for compensation in Victoria, your work must be a ‘significant contributing factor’ to the development of melanoma disease or skin cancer.  It does not have to be the only cause. This means that if your employment has involved significant sun exposure, then you may have an entitlement to workers’ compensation in relation to your skin cancer diagnosis.

How do I make a claim?

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Seek medical treatment

It is important to visit a doctor to start an early record of any changes to your skin.  This appointment will provide the historical background which will be critical to the success of your claim.

If you need time off work, request a "certificate of capacity" from your doctor.

Most doctors, therapists and pharmacists should be able to bill the WorkCover insurer directly.  If they cannot, request a receipt for the treatment and send it in to your insurer to claim within six months of treatment.  Keep a copy of the receipt.

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Notify your employer

You need to notify your employer within 30 days of becoming aware you have a work injury/illness.

Further, you only have six years from your date of injury/illness to sue your employer if they were at fault.  This date may be extended in some circumstances, such as if you have only recently become aware of the seriousness of your injury/illness.

It is important that you do not sign anything without obtaining legal advice first.

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Lodge a WorkCover claim

WorkCover claim forms are available at the post office, one of our offices or you can request one by calling WorkSafe on 1800 136 089.

If you have medical expenses or need to take time off work, you will need to complete a WorkCover claim form and provide it to your employer.

If you are claiming for time off work, you also need to have a "certificate of capacity" from your doctor.

If you need assistance completing your WorkCover claim form, please call one of our lawyers on (03) 9321 9988.

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Contact us

Even if you don’t think your injury is serious, we recommend discussing your injury/illness with a lawyer while the details are fresh in your mind.

Your time is important to us, so when you call (03) 9321 9988 during business hours Monday - Friday, your call will be answered by a member of our team.  We will be able to advise you on your potential rights and entitlements, and offer a free face-to-face meeting at an office closest to you.

Legal services are provided on a No Win No Fee basis.

What are my options

If you are able to establish that your work was a ‘significant contributing factor’ to your diagnosis of melanoma disease or skin cancer, you may be able to access multiple levels of compensation.

Level 1: No fault benefits

WorkCover benefits include "weekly payments" of lost income and a financial contribution towards medical expenses such as:

  • ambulance and hospital expenses
  • doctors and other medical attendances (including travel expenses)
  • medications and aides
  • personal and household expenses
  • rehabilitation costs (including counselling and household assistance).

Level 2: Permanent injury lump sum payment

The calculation of this payment is based on the level of your assessed permanent impairment.  This payment is available regardless of fault.

This is separate, and in addition to, weekly payments and medical & like expenses.

Level 3: Sue for further compensation

If your injury/illness is determined to be a "serious injury" and was caused due to the fault of another party, you can sue for further monetary compensation.  This refers to the "pain and suffering" you have endured and will continue to endure; and for the "economic loss" of wages and superannuation you would have earnt into the future.

This is separate to weekly payments and medical & like expenses.

Often, cases resolve prior to attending court.

Awards and Accolades

Doyle’s Guide

Leading law firm

Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers

Victorian Work Injury Compensation (2018 – 2019)

Second tier law firm

Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers

Victorian Work Injury Compensation (2020)

Third tier law firm

Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers

Victorian Work Injury Compensation (2021, 2023-2024)

No Win, No Fee. No Uplift Fee.

Our No Win, No Fee arrangement means you will only pay legal fees if your claim is successful. We will never charge you an uplift fee so you can receive more of your compensation.

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At Redlich’s, our legal team answer the phone so that you receive legal advice straight away. No Win, No Fee. No Uplift Fee.

Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers

Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers is a division of Holding Redlich © 2025
Level 23, 500 Bourke Street, Melbourne, 3000

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Redlich's Work Injury Lawyers respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we operate as the continuing custodians of this land. We recognise their continuing connection to Country, practices, knowledge systems and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, past and present.